The Aspen's Devlog

Fixing up the concept

Gameplay update

For some time, the whole concept of the game has been a bit lost, or at least somewhat hard to describe. First, it was a wave-by-wave survival game with power-ups and different weapons. Well, nothing hard to understand there, but the whole game felt a bit boring. Huge waves of enemies were fun for a short time, but in the long run, it started to feel a bit boring.

I have a story mode in my mind where the player could adventure around the space. Story mode could give many opportunities for designing different types of scenarios for the game, but that might be too much work.

So, I have designed this new concept around the wave mode, but adding some twists into it. I personally like a lot of defending games, where your main goal is just to defend an object or a base as you like.

So here is the game's core concept in a nutshell

  • Player has a main base to defend.

  • Player can place turrets in front of the base or around the map.

  • Enemies come in waves and are targeting the base, but if the player is nearby, they will attack the player first.

  • Between levels or waves, player can buy new weapons, power-ups, or turrets.

  • The base is acting as a healing bay, where the player could heal itself.

This is now the Enfora Star's main gameplay. Groundwork for the concept change is ongoing and might be even ready in this month.

Concept arts

Here is the very first version of the base, or at least part of it.


I also drawn a concept for the updating center. So the player spaceship will be docked on the bay here, and the player can browse the updates for weapons or new power-ups. This one is fully background art and will not be part of the gameplay.


Godot and its community

I'm not going to make a huge statement about the recent events in the Godot community, but I understand people who are full of the Godot and its officials right now. I do not follow that much what is happening on the social media platforms, and I actually heard this first from a friend of mine. So, this overall situation will not affect my work with Godot and I only see a game development tool here. Anyhow, I'm going to follow the Redot project with great interest, and I wish them good luck with their Godot fork! (Btw, their logo looks a way cooler than Godot's original!)

I already thanked the user-supported forums community for voting this project to the featured projects showcase on the X. But I'd like to thank them again here too! That really made my day when I regonized this whole thing, and that gave me a great boost for working on the project.

So, thanks once again, users on the community forum!

It's almost Halloween.

I think that's all for now. I'm maybe a bit early, but happy Halloween to everyone!

Teemu, TheAspen
