The Aspen's Devlog

Getting there, just one step more!


Once again, one month has passed, and this has been maybe the most stressful when it comes to this game project. At least, right now it feels like it.

I was literally 15 minutes ago shaping library asset images for Steam, and now I'm writing this post. Too many irons in the same fire, someone would say. Thankfully, I got some help with the assets from my fiancée. So is this anymore a solo project? ;)

Anyway, there is still some work to be done, so I'll keep this blog post a bit short. Getting Steam pages up and running has taken a huge amount of time from the development. I knew it could take some time to create necessary assets and so on, but this was a bit of a surprise.

So if you have plans to release a game on Steam, take a good month (at least) for the pages only.

Private testing

I was testing the first "official" Alpha build with my friends, foremost to gather some bugs and see how stable the build was. No crashes happened, so the game appears to be very stable.

Many bugs have been found whatsoever, and fixes are done too. Obviously, I got some feedback and made some tweaks. Like now, the minimap is in the bottom right corner, and the game provides some tips on how the game works between enemy waves.

Last time I provided the progress in list form. So here is the same now:


  • Many updates for gamepad support
  • Updated weapons and power-ups data, like damages, cooldowns, etc. (This should have been done way earlier.)


  • Pickup sound effects
  • Power-up sound effects
  • Weapon sound updates
  • Hit sound updates


  • Win screen for Alpha
  • Game over screen


  • Trailer song

And many bug fixes here and there.

So when is the Alpha coming?

After the store pages are ready, Steam has a two-week period before the actual release can be done. I hope this is not the case with playtesting, but I'm not sure. Ideally, the Alpha version is out this month, but I would not be surprised if this goes to April of 2025.

I would like to get more feedback on the game, and because Steam has shown up to be a bit time-consuming, I have some regrets about doing playtesting from Steam. I should have done this from some other channel, but I will not change plans now.

Getting close day by day, and when this is ready, the game has its own Steam pages. Maybe it's a little achievement after all?

I'll keep up working; hear ya soon!

Teemu, TheAspen
