Well, that name took a while. For the past six months, I have called this game "Star Defender", but finally I found out its real name: Enfora Star! I do not know where the name comes from, but I can say I had a bit of frustration with this one. Many weeks, even months, I tried out different names, but they had already taken or were too close to Star Wars, so I could not take a risk of IP violation of sort. There are so many games out there with "Star" or "Space" in their titles, would you believe? :)
I also created a capsule image for the title. There might be too much going on in the image, but here, take a look for yourself:
I just want to say one heads up: If you are planning to use images on a Steam page or so, remember to check their resolution requirements! I didn't, and that took me extra work to figure out how to fix that because pixels do not scale well. Or, just use .svg images, not .png. Then you do not have this problem.
I'd also like to introduce a new robot into the enemy ranks. I called this a Shooter, but technically it's Grey (because I had decided to use color codes for every enemy).
Here it is in action:
First, I thought that turrets were not going to be part of this game. I was thinking that they would take a lot of time to be implemented, but I decided to prototype turrets at least. And in a couple of days, I got a working turret and target switching mode. The player can't place them yet, but the core mechanism is working well. Also, I think it will add a new layer of strategy if the player can build turrets around the map.
I worked a bit with visual effects and added EMP effect to the enemies. Here you can see the emp and peek of turrets:
Many things are going forward. I started to work with the settings menu too and noticed that keybindings would take some time to do. There are so many things to take into account, like if there are duplicates, what if the key is already taken, etc. Levels are now generating enemies by themselves, but I do not know if the generation system is balanced yet. Overall, I should focus on balancing the enemies next. For now, they are all just using some testing specifications, and no real balancing is even done.
There's a lot of work yet to be done, so I get back to it. See ya!
-Teemu, TheAspen